BREAKING NEWS: You may subscribe to our channel, like our videos, and click the Super Thanks button below to make sure you don't miss any of our team's films, including the latest developments and special updates on the Ukrainian war. Following Ukraine's successful operations in the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea has become a new crisis point for Russia's foreign policy. While Russia wishes to combat Ukraine, the severe blows delivered in the Baltic Sea have cornered Putin. To begin with, Russia's and the Baltic Sea's chase of Norwegian ships has shifted the regional equilibrium. The Norwegian ships' actions effectively ended Russia's dominance in the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea was no longer a safe sanctuary for Russia. Following Russia's entrance into the Ukraine war, it appeared that it had entered a time in which it was also dealing with numerous foreign policy issues. Following the disasters in Ukraine, Putin has had to deal with additional foreign policy difficulties. However, this significant maneuver by Norwegian ships in the Baltic Sea has enraged Putin...
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