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Added by MiAmigo
My friend from Norway tries to guess the German sentences I picked out, and then she tries to pronounce sentences for me to guess. The plot twist is that I will not be able to hear anything (music on my ears), and I have to try to read her lips. Sarah had German in school for about 1,5 year, and I myself have lived in Germany for over a year now (have gone to one German course).

This was so fun, I hope you found it funny to watch too! Let us know how we sound haha:) Have a good day☺️

Here are all the sentences I chose for Sarah:
1. Wo finde ich Geldautomaten - Where can I find an ATM - Hvor kan jeg finne en minibank
2. Darf ich bitte vorbei - Could you let me pass please - Kan jeg komme forbi
3. Du gehst mir auf den keks - you are walking on my cookie, You are annoying - du gar pa kjeksen min, Du er irritierende
4. Jetzt haben wir den salat - now we have the salad, now everything is a mess - Nå har vi Salaten, nå er alt et rot
5. Klaffe zu, affe tot - clap, monkey dead, Its the end - klapp, ape død, det er slutten
6. Ich sehe schwarz für dich - I See black for you, I dont see any good news coming your way - Jeg ser svart for deg, Jeg ser ingen gode nyheter på din vei
7. Da guckst du dumm aus der Wäsche - you look stupid out of the laundry, You didn’t expect that - du ser dum ut fra klesvasken, du forventa Ikke det

Here are all the sentences Sarah picked for me:
1. Fix und fertig sein - To be fixed and finished, to be exhausted/done - Å være utslitt
2. Das ist mir wurst - It does not matter to me - Det betyr ingesting for meg
3. Ich habe mich verlaufen - I'm lost - Jet har gått meg vill
4. Ich bin zum erste mal hier - This is my first time here - Jeg er her for første gang
5. Lass uns eis essen gehen kommt - Let's go get ice cream - La oss gå og spise is

Music Info: Only Ukulele by Lesfm
Music Link:

"Roa - Lights" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-3.0) License.
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

????Song : Daystar - a princess in a novel /

Music provided by BGM President
Track: Naptime!
Promote by: bummies.

Teaching my friend German, sir sprechen Deutsch zusammen, talking German with my friend, German language challenge, German challenge, German friend challenge, we try to speak German, trying to pronounce German, fun language challenge, language challenge with my friend, life in Germany, Elise's bubble, guess the German sentences, foreigners try to speak German

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