2022年7月12日,美國洛克希德·馬丁公司,正式向美國陸軍交付了首輛M270A2遠程多管火箭炮。這也是近年來美陸軍裝備的首款,新一代遠程多管火箭炮。 M270A2是M270系列遠程多管火箭炮最新的改進版本,與之前的M270系列一樣。依舊使一款採用履帶式車輛底盤,並應用了模塊化“儲運發”發射箱技術,以及“彈箭共架”發射技術。且具備彈藥整體吊裝能力的自行式遠程多管火砲,為的就是更好的適應未來的大規模作戰行動。和過去的M270系列火箭炮相比,M270A2做出了很大改變。採用了全新的M993A2履帶式車輛底盤,並換裝換裝了由康明斯CENTRY電子控制裝置的,600馬力V903發動機為其提供動力。
On July 12, 2022, Lockheed Martin officially delivered the first M270A2 long-range multiple rocket launcher to the U.S. Army. This is also the first of the US Army's equipment in recent years, a new generation of long-range multiple rocket launchers. The M270A2 is the latest and improved version of the M270 series of long-range multiple rocket launchers, the same as the previous M270 series. It still uses a tracked vehicle chassis, and applies the modular "storage, transportation and dispatch" launch box technology, as well as the "projectile and arrow co-frame" launch technology. And the self-propelled long-range multi-barrel artillery with the overall hoisting ability of ammunition is to better adapt to future large-scale combat operations. Compared with the past M270 series rocket launchers, the M270A2 has made great changes. It adopts a brand-new M993A2 tracked vehicle chassis, and is powered by a 600-horsepower V903 engine powered by Cummins CENTRY electronic control unit.
On July 12, 2022, Lockheed Martin officially delivered the first M270A2 long-range multiple rocket launcher to the U.S. Army. This is also the first of the US Army's equipment in recent years, a new generation of long-range multiple rocket launchers. The M270A2 is the latest and improved version of the M270 series of long-range multiple rocket launchers, the same as the previous M270 series. It still uses a tracked vehicle chassis, and applies the modular "storage, transportation and dispatch" launch box technology, as well as the "projectile and arrow co-frame" launch technology. And the self-propelled long-range multi-barrel artillery with the overall hoisting ability of ammunition is to better adapt to future large-scale combat operations. Compared with the past M270 series rocket launchers, the M270A2 has made great changes. It adopts a brand-new M993A2 tracked vehicle chassis, and is powered by a 600-horsepower V903 engine powered by Cummins CENTRY electronic control unit.
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