.cl is the Internet country code top-level domain for Chile. It was created in 1987 and is administered by the University of Chile. Registration of second-level domains under this... Wikipedia
- Introduced: 1987
- TLD type: Country code top-level domain
- Status: Active
- Registry: NIC Chile
- Sponsor: NIC Chile (University of Chile)
- Intended use: Entities connected with Chile
- Actual use: Popular in Chile
- Registration restrictions: Anyone may register a domain.cl from anywhere in the world without the need of a local representative
- Structure: Registrations are made directly at the second level (there are also third-level registrations for government sites under gov.cl and gob.cl)
- Documents: Rules
- Dispute policies: Dispute resolution
- Website: NIC Chile
- DNSSEC: yes
- Data source: DuckDuckGo